"Taking time for YOU, is food for the SOUL and allows you to give more to others in return"
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Welcome to "Soles Journey".....
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Over the years I have struggled with figuring out what my life purpose was and "what I wanted to be when I grew up". I was getting frustrated as I was in my 30's and still had no idea. It wasn't until my journey led me to volunteering in a Hospice that I began to find myself and realize my dreams. Over the years through volunteering and being with family members who were sick or passing, I began to see how touch can be therapeutic. I decided to take a Reiki and Therapeutic Touch course which helped me in many ways, but I knew there was something more I wanted to do. I have always loved receiving foot massages myself. It's amazing how something as simple as touch can be so soothing for the Soul.
When my Uncle became very ill, he always asked me for foot massages as he was in such pain being stuck in a hospital bed. While it didn't take the pain away forever, it did bring him comfort for a while. I remember the day he looked deep into my eyes and spoke to my Soul. He told me I had a gift, and it's time I start using it. It wasn't until I took a HUGE leap out of my "comfort zone" and signed up for a Reflexology class, that I began to see what my "life purpose" was. I love helping others, I enjoy making others feel good and I always knew what the power of human touch can do. After taking this course I realized just how important our feet are and how too often we take them for granted. Not only are they our means of transportation, but they are a map of our body and have the power to aid in bringing our body into our natural rest and relaxation state, which helps lower stress and aids our bodies own natural healing response.
People always question me on how I can work with peoples feet, and my response is that we all have "gifts" buried deep within us that we can share with others, we just need to do some "soul searching" to remember them, and mine just happens to be making peoples feet happy - which in turn helps our Soul to be happy! A wise Soul once reminded me that when we fill our own "baskets", we are able to help others more easily and effectively. This is so true. So often we are running on empty and our relationships are the first to suffer from it. Self-care is NOT selfish, it is the most rewarding thing we can give ourselves and our loved ones.
One of the number one worries people have when coming to an apt is that their feet are not in perfect shape. I always ease their mind and tell them that I am not worried what your feet look like, I am focused on bringing relaxation to you so you can walk away feeling more relaxed than when you arrived.
I look forward to meeting you in person, so you too can experience the power of Reflexology when we connect "Soul to Sole".

Christina Flood RRPr,
Certified Reflexologist
Level 1-3 Therapeutic Touch
Reiki Level 1
Soul Coach and Energy Healing Course